Thursday, December 16, 2021

Craniosacral Energy Work


I've been studying and working as a therapist since 1997, craniosacral therapy being the core of my work. It's a fascinating, gently effective way of treating people, or helping them to treat themselves. One of the greatest things about it is that you can connect it with any other modality you know, and start to work in your own way, adapting it for each and every patient. I've studied all sorts of other treatment, from massage to visceral manipulation, and energy work such as reiki and chi kung, and put together understanding from all these approaches. MORE ABOUT CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY HERE.


The most intriguing part of my work is giving treatment at a distance. Not that long ago I would have said it's not possible, and I guess you have to experience it to believe that it is. I've been hosting remote group sessions since about 2010, and anyone can try joining in from wherever they are. MORE ABOUT REMOTE WORK AND JOINING IN GROUP SESSIONS HERE.


One of the main themes in my writing is that we are always EVOLVING and that we are making a big jump in that process at this moment. I think it's partly to do with psychic abilities that we're learning and re-learning - and these remote sessions are an opportunity to explore that - as well as for personal healing, and also to do with learning and re-learning how to live much more natural, locally based lives as gentler more co-operative beings. There's a lot about that in the "Monkey Wrench Kid", BROWSE ALL CHAPTERS HERE.

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